Corby Hill & Warwick Bridge

We met together with church council members, circuit stewards and ecumenical friends, on 24th August to discuss the future of the church at Corby Hill/Warwick Bridge. It was with sadness that we recognised that the financial situation was no longer sustainable and that the church cannot support itself anymore. We are grateful for the support of the members and friends down the years.


Our final service took place on Sunday 27th September. We reflected on how the ministry of the building had come to an end. Then we looked with hope towards the things that God is doing amongst us. Rev Rachel Williams spoke on the valley of dry bones in Ezekiel 37. She talked about the idea that the valley of dry bones is a hopeless situation yet God transforms things and brings about a new group of people. We thought about how 150 years before, Isaiah told everyone that God will be doing a new thing. As we closed the service together, we promised to look for the new activities that God is doing.


Corby Hill/Warwick Bridge are thankful for your support, for those who were willing to join us on Zoom rather than in person and for those who joined us in prayer. We would value your prayers as we continue to look for the new things that you are doing.


This, this is the God we adore!
Our faithful, unchangeable friend:
his love is as great as his power
and neither knows measure nor end.


Tis Jesus the first and the last;
his Spirit will guide us safe home;
we'll praise him for all that is past
and trust him for all that's to come.


Address: CA4 8PJ
Map Ref: NY479570
Corby Hill & Warwick Bridge